Monday, January 27, 2025

Do Stopping

Perhaps you'd allow my colleague to follow you? says Gaius.

How would I stop him? asks the third baby skate.

I'm sure you could elude him if you wished, says Gaius.

If he didn't sink first, says the third baby skate.

I see you think the colleague I refer to is Terence, says Gaius. But it isn't.

Who then? asks the third baby skate.

Surfing-with-Whales steps forward. 

That would be me.

Okay, says the third baby skate. Let's get going.

Not yet, says Surfing-with-Whales. I need my goggles and flippers.

And your waterproof clipboard, says Gaius.

You've thought of everything, says the third baby skate.

Except they're back at the campsite, says Surfing-with-Whales.

And you expect me to wait here while you get them? asks the third baby skate.

If you don't mind, says Gaius.

I do mind, says the third baby skate.

Five minutes! says Surfing-with-Whales.

He runs off.

Five minutes isn't long, says Gaius. 

Sometimes it is, says Terence.

I agree with you, says the third baby skate.

That's good, says Terence. Want to talk, so the five minutes goes faster?

Talk about what? asks the third baby skate.

Terence thinks quickly. 

You're a skate, right? asks Terence.

A maugean skate, says the third baby skate. 

That means you can skate, says Terence. And guess what?

What? asks the third baby skate.

I've got a skateboard, says Terence. 

What's so good about that? asks the third baby skate. 

You could go on it, says Terence. 

I've only got five minutes, says the third baby skate.

Too bad, says Terence. Come back later and do it.

I might, says the third baby skate. Can I do it in the water?

No way! says Terence. You'd have to get out.

I'll think about it, says the third baby skate.

I'll give you a lesson, says Terence. 

I'm listening, says the third baby skate.

You need a special lesson, says Terence. Because you haven't got feet.

I've got claspers, says the third baby skate.

Let's see, says Terence. He leans forward, to look at the claspers.

Careful! warns Gaius.

The third baby skate shows Terence his claspers, which are underneath, at the start of his tail.

They'll be good for holding on, says Terence. But you need to learn stopping.

How do you do stopping? asks the third baby skate.

With a foot, says Terence. 

I could use my tail, says the third baby skate.

Can you bend it? asks Terence.

Sure I can, says the third baby skate.

You'll be good then, says Terence.

Thanks for the lesson, says the third baby skate.

Surfing-with-Whales comes back with the goggles and flippers and waterproof clipboard.

The five minutes went fast!

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