Geez! says Surfing-with-Whales. When's he going to get back?
I'll go and see if he's coming, says Little Mystic.
How? asks Terence.
Fly up and look down, says little Mystic.
Which way? asks Terence.
Straight up, says Little Mystic.
Go on then, says Terence.
Little Mystic flies up and looks down.
Flap-flap. Roo-kai flies up behind him.
Looking for Gaius? asks Roo-kai.
Yes, says Little Mystic. Are you looking too?
Yes, says Roo-kai. He's been shopping. Bought a cabbage, if I'm not mistaken.
This is my first time looking for someone, says Little Mystic.
I thought so, says Roo-kai. That's very enterprising. Well, he's coming. Why don't you fly down and tell them.
Me? says Little Mystic.
You, says Roo-kai.
Okay, says Little Mystic.
Hurry, says Roo-kai. There's no point if he gets back before you tell them.
Is he close? asks Little Mystic.
Very close, says Roo-kai. But you're closer.
Little Mystic drops down
Did you find him? asks Terence.
He's on his way back with a cabbage, says Little Mystic.
Great, says Surfing-with-Whales. So I'm getting a cabbage poultice.
Yes you are , says Gaius, arriving with the cabbage. How's the ankle?
Still purple, says Surfing-with-Whales.
This'll have you fixed in a jiffy, says Gaius.
Guess what? asks Terence.
What? asks Gaius. ripping leaves from the cabbage.
Little Mystic flew up to find you, says Terence. And he told us you were coming. So we already knew.
Wonderful, says Gaius. Little Mystic has the makings of a very fine parrot.
Little Mystic looks proud.
Now to apply the poultice, says Gaius.
Yeah, how? asks Surfing-with-Whales.
Inside your sock would be ideal, says Gaius. But I see you're not wearing any.
I never wear 'em, says Surfing-with-Whales.
You'll have to borrow one of mine, says Gaius.
He rummages in his back pack and pulls out a green sock.
Surfing-with-Whales eyes the sock with suspicion.
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