Thursday, November 1, 2012

Reason To Believe

The train speeds south through red scenery, saltbush and rocks.

Spinoza feels peckish. He reaches down into his basket.


He's forgotten that Ageless is there.

You pinched me! says Spinoza.

Put yourself in my place, says Ageless.

I was feeling for something to eat, says Spinoza. Is there anything left?

No, says Ageless, but if you'd like something to read.....

What is it? asks Spinoza. I don't like to read trash.

Then forget about this, says Ageless.

What is it? asks Spinoza.

The Great Philosophers, says Ageless.

Give it here, says Spinoza.

He pulls out the book and starts flicking through the chapters. Socrates, Plato, Descartes....Spinoza! He settles down for a read.

Through the door at the front of the carriage comes Stacey.

She heads straight for Arthur.

Arthur! says Stacey. How lovely to see you again. Are your little friends here as well? Have you still got that book?

No, says Arthur. They aren't and I haven't.

Oh, what a pity, says Stacey. I did like that book. Would you like a blanket, or anything?

No thanks, says Arthur.

I'd like a blanket, young lady, says David. And so would my friend here, if you wouldn't mind.

Stacey goes off for two blankets, passing Gaius on the way.

She is only away for a minute. When she comes back she has brought the trainee. They stop next to Gaius.

Gaius doesn't look up, being busy with his notes about claws.

Ahem! says Stacey loudly. Excuse me sir. We have reason to believe you are the person who last week absconded with one of our knives.

Gaius jumps out of his seat, mortified.

What makes them think it was him?

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