Saturday, November 10, 2012

Three or Four Types of Luck

Ageless settles comfortably into the seat next to Spinoza.

I suppose you do have a ticket? says Stacey.

No, says Ageless. I was travelling in the picnic basket as food.

You'd better get back in it then, says Stacey.

But I'm not really food, says Ageless.

No, he isn't says Spinoza, backing him up. I packed him as a favour, not food.

And I'm a vegetarian, says Stacey. But if he doesn't have a ticket, back in the basket he goes.

Ageless clambers down into the basket, paradise lost.

And the train isn't moving.

He thinks: O for the open road.

Dawn is breaking on the open road.

Local business man Craig is driving towards Port Augusta, on his way home.

What's this ahead? Two cyclists, two walkers. You don't see that often out here.

He drives past them. Pulls up.


Five minutes later, there are only two cyclists on the road.

Lucky Gaius and Arthur, says Vello, with a sigh.

What's that supposed to mean? asks David testily.

You know very well, says Vello. If you hadn't insisted on having our bicycles, we would have got a lift too.

I can't be expected to think of everything, says David. Look on the bright side.

What is it? asks Vello.

Beautiful morning, you and me, bikes, it's just like old times, says David.

And no breakfast, thinks Vello.

O for the train.


Arthur and Gaius are in the back of Craig's car, heading towards Port Augusta.

They've told him the story of the broken train window, leaving out who broke the window.

Hmmm, says Craig, that'll take time to get fixed. They'll have to call someone out from the town, and they'll have to take measurements, and it'll need special glass. I reckon you guys'll be in Port Augusta for three days at least.

Arthur looks glum. So does Gaius.

Come to my house for brekky, says Craig. I'll put you up. The wife and kids won't be home till next Thursday.

O for kind people like that.

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