Thursday, November 8, 2012

Whatever You Do Don't Get Off

The train lurches to a halt.

That isn't supposed to happen.

Stacey's head appears round the door of the carriage.

We're just ditching the snake, she says. Whatever you do, don't get off.

But David, Vello, Arthur, Gaius and Ageless feel dizzy and nauseous from drinking the turps, and are disinclined to obey.

Let's get off for a minute, says Vello. We need some fresh air.

Spinoza looks doubtful. But he hasn't drunk any turps.

How do we get off? asks David. Aren't the doors locked?

Break the window, says Arthur.

Arthur knows all about trains.

Spinoza looks even more doubtful. Should he go and tell Stacey what's brewing?

He sits down in the seat which Ageless has vacated. Ouch! He sits on The Great Philosophers.

This reminds him of his better self. What would he do? He would not interfere with the determinations of others. No doubt everything was unfolding as it should.

Arthur breaks a window, and everyone but Spinoza clambers out.

It's dark. They stand beside the train where the rocks meet the dirt..

 Bahloo the Moon gleams down upon the train tracks. There is a slithering sound as of snakes.

But does anyone hear it? No, they are all throwing up.

Bahloo the Moon beams. Foolish men.

The train gives a lurch and a hiss.

Golly, says David. Had we better get back on?

Yes, says Vello. We had better get back on.

They stare up at the broken window.

It looks a great deal higher from where they stand now.

To Ageless it looks even higher.

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