Saturday, November 17, 2012

What Lies Hidden

Gaius is back in the Tunnel of Time, tapping out a message on the Morse Code machine.


Another visitor to the Tunnel of Time is watching him.

I see you are a military man, says the other visitor.

Indeed, says Gaius. I was, in times gone by.

But you have a bad memory, says the visitor.

Gaius looks up.

Why did he say that?


Arthur has escaped from Wadlata and arrived at the Port Augusta Station

He hears the bad news. He has missed the train.


Arthur walks down the highway.

He walks and walks.

Several trucks pass him. None of them stop.

A Jeep passes.

It slows down. It stops.

Arthur runs up to the Jeep.

I KNEW it would be Arthur! cries Irma.  Look dad, it's Arthur. Can we give him a lift?

Sure, get in, Arthur, says dad. It's a bit of a squeeze.

Arthur gets in the back with the twins.

Fancy seeing you, Arthur, says mum. Weren't you going back on the train?

We were, says Arthur, but we drank turps by mistake and there was a snake on the train and they stopped to let it off but we all felt sick so I had to break a window so we could get out and throw up and then ......

That's enough Arthur, says mum. The girls don't want to hear that.

Yes we do, says Emma. Did you throw up, Arthur?

Yes, says Arthur. All over the track.

Emma looks impressed.

Irma feels something hard in Arthur's shorts.

Ouch! says Irma. What's that in your pocket?

A present for someone, says Arthur.

He takes out the gift wrapped box.

It's wrapped in yellow paper and tied with a purple bow.

Wow! says Irma. Is that for your girlfriend?

No, says Arthur. It's for someone I've let down.

Everyone is silent, wondering who it is that Arthur has let down.

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