Monday, June 26, 2017

Portal To The Dark Side

The Freddos bounce up and down in the lunch box.

Stop that! cries Baby Pierre.

How else are we going to get the lid off? asks the Freddo.

Normally, says Baby Pierre, I would agree with you. But Third Sister says the lid's come off the black paint tube.

Paint? Is it paint? asks the Freddo.

We didn't know it was paint, says his co-Freddo.

What did you think it was? asks Baby Pierre.

We didn't know. Some kind of portal, says the Freddo.

This is a bit close for comfort.

Baby Pierre doesn't want the Freddos knowing his game plan. Even for the short time they have left.

Think about that, Baby Pierre.

That's stupid.

Okay, says Baby Pierre. It's a portal to the dark side. So you need to stop bouncing.

What do we do? asks the Freddo.

Are there three bikes in there? asks Baby Pierre.

Yes, says the Freddo.

Wedge and climb, says Baby Pierre.

It's not hard to see why he is captain.

The Freddos wedge and climb, and the top Freddo loosens the lid of the lunch box.

Now help us out! say the Freddos.

Not yet. I'm coming in, says Baby Pierre. I need to replace the lid of the paint tube.

Stay there. We'll bring it with us, says the Freddo.

And before Baby Pierre can figure out how he is going to get into the lunch box ( answer: it wouldn't be easy ), he is showered with dropping Freddos and a paint tube, with the lid off.

Where's the LID! shouts Baby Pierre.

We don't know, admit the Freddos.

What a disaster.

Holding the paint tube gingerly upright, Baby Pierre struggles back towards the cloth bag.

What do we do? asks the Freddo.

Follow him, says his co-Freddo.

Straight into the teeth of death, says the Freddo.

Or go back to the lunch box, says the co-Freddo. With three bikes and a harmless lid.

It's tempting, says the Freddo, but we ARE slowly melting.

They look at one another.

Or would do, if it wasn't so dark.

And also, they are still wrapped in their Freddo foil wrappings.

It's amazing they saw anything, really.

Baby Pierre has entered the cloth bag.

Have you got the chocolate? asks Third Sister.

It's coming, says Baby Pierre. Meanwhile we have a disaster. Look here.

Of course, they don't see anything.

He explains the situation.

Freddos out. But not here yet. Lid in the lunch box.

Where are they? asks Third Sister.

Here we are, croaks the first Freddo.

The dark side, croaks the co-Freddo

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