Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Baby Pierre has come to an area of grass land.

Raoul and his dad are some way behind.

He decides to stop and locate a new spider.

He slows down and stops.

All about him are grasses.

Scritch, scritch.

It's a numbat, looking for termites.

The numbat sees Baby Pierre.

Seen any spiders? asks Baby Pierre

No, says the numbat. I need to eat twenty thousand termites a day. That keeps me busy.

Is it hard to find that many termites? asks Baby Pierre.

What do you think? says the numbat.

Raoul crashes through.

Found any?

Not yet, says the numbat.

Not yet, says Baby Pierre.


The Dirties are trying to make their way back to the campsite.

They have already followed some footprints.

And then, other footprints.

But the footprints have led them back here.

This is like being under water, says Second Dirty.

No, it isn't, says First Dirty. The main ingredient is missing.

Underwater, you have time to think of a plan, says Second Dirty.

Is that what you did? asks First Dirty.

No, says Second Dirty. I was starting, but then I got rescued.

Let's start, says First Dirty. We might get rescued again.


Second Dirty feels uncomfortable.

He moves to a new spot without checking.

Yuck. He has sat on something squashy, surrounded by something slimy.

What can it be?


Gaius and Elodie have arrived at the campsite.

The roof tent has been set up on top of the camper.

Shu is sitting on the poncho, with the smoked Portuguese chicken etc.

Where are Arthur and Sprocket? asks Elodie. Where's the HiLux?

Gone back into Pemberton, says Shu. For non-carbonated water.

That's my fault, says Elodie.

Yes, says Shu.

We still have enough for a team, says Gaius. What do you say we get started?

Good plan, says Shu. I like to keep busy.

Here's a job, says Gaius. Wash out this baked beans can.

He hands the baked bean can to Shu, and places the maratus on the poncho, next to the Portuguese chicken.

The maratus cristatus wonders where Lavender is.

He has thought up a new set of dance steps.

Ideally, he'd like to see her alone.

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