Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Glitch In The System

I do hope Du Fresne is all right, says Gaius.

He'll be fine, says Baudin. If he boarded the paperbark canoe, he would not have capsized it.

Of course not, says Gaius. A competent sea captain would keep his balance. But...we did hear a burble.

Probably a glitch in the system, says Baudin.

If he contacts you again....begins Gaius.

I shan't ask him if he fell into the lagoon, says Captain Baudin.

Can I ask him? asks Terence.

Certainly not, says Captain Baudin.

Gaius has reached the coast road. 

He stops cycling, and looks at the sea.

Why have we stopped? asks Terence.

To enjoy the moment, says Gaius. And listen.

Weeershsh! (the sound of the sea)

Tinkle tinkle! (which could be an elegant parrot)

An elegant parrot! says Gaius. 

Crackle crackle!

That will be Du Fresne, says Captain Baudin. Let me off here.

Gaius helps Baudin down.

What did you want me to ask him? asks Baudin.

Ask him how the orange-bellied parrots are doing, says Gaius.

Crackle crackle.

Captain Baudin shuffles away, and disappears behind a thornbush. 

Sluuuurphhfff! Terence finishes his Ribena.

Gaius takes a bottle of water from his back pack, and takes a few sips.

Captain Baudin comes out from under the thornbush.

Du Fresne sends his apologies, says Captain Baudin.

What for? asks Gaius.

He has been detained by the Friends of Melaleuca, says Baudin. It seems they did not appreciate him commandeering the paperbark canoe, which was for exhibition purposes only.

Dear me, says Gaius. Will they detain him for long?

He is being questioned as we speak, says Baudin. He would appreciate a word from you, in his favour.

Certainly, says Gaius. But how will that work? Do I speak into your head?

Ha ha! laughs Terence. You have to go under a prickle bush!

No need to make fun of lobster communications, says Captain Baudin. The system is unsuited to humans. Du Fresne has given me a number for you to call.

Excellent, says Gaius. I shall call them at once. What is the number?

Baudin gives him the number.

Gaius takes out his phone.

Curses! says Gaius. Low battery. We'll have to go back to Two Wells.

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