Friday, April 17, 2009

Dance Not With Your Heart

How did you like Sophia Loren? I asked Pliny the Elder, the next day.

She was indeed very beautiful, he replied, but why was she playing the part of a Greek sponge gatherer? Is she not Italian?

She is Italian, I said, but it doesn't matter when you are acting. You follow the directions and it usually comes out right. Someone would have said to her, Now Sophia, remember you are a proud Greek woman, throw back your shoulders! And she did, to great effect. Also, if you saw the trailer, you may recall her fisherman boyfriend saying jealously, Tonight when you dance for him, dance with your head and your hands, but not with your heart. Then you see her dancing a Greek dance, stiff as a board. She really was awfully good.

True, said Pliny. We Italians are very good at most things.

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