Saturday, June 12, 2010

Double Stops

It was time to wake up, but Haydn's musical idea intrigued me.

What are double stops? I asked him.

They are like nose cones, said Haydn, playfully. They temporarily stop the flow, so to speak. You make them by placing a finger across two strings at once and plucking them.

Oh yuck! I said, Two strings of what?

Your violin, said Haydn, looking serious again. Would you like to hear the beginning of my tune?

No, I said. Oh.... alright. Hum it. But first, have you got a handkerchief?

Of course, I never go anywhere without one. Now, listen. It's a string quartet :

The first violin goes: Mmmmmm-huh.....mmm-huh...mmmmmmm-huh...Double stop! Double stop! Eeeeeeeeeee!
The second violin joins in: Nnnnnnnnn-huh....nnn-huh...nnnnnnnnnn-huh... Double stop! Double stop! Lah lah lah!
Then the viola: Sniffety-sneeee! Sniffety-sneeeeee! Oo-oo-ooh!
And finally the cello: Chooooh-achooh-achooh! Double stop! Double stop! Achooooh!

He stopped. How do you like it so far? he asked.

I like it! I replied. It's very up-to-date.

That's me, said Haydn. Up-to-date.

I'm going to an up-to-date musical thing tonight at the Science Exchange, I said. Perhaps you'd like to come?

I'm already going, said Haydn.

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