Saturday, December 1, 2012

All These Kissings v. Eternity

Arthur is determined to get two free icecreams by his own efforts.

That poem, he says, pointing to the chalkboard. What's it about?

Lola turns to read the poem, which she chalked up last Monday, and has now forgotten.

"And the moonbeams kiss the sea
 What are all these kissings worth
 If thou kiss not me?"

What do you think? says Lola.

It's about persuasion, says Arthur. And the art of tit for tat.

So? says Lola.

My poem is about Eternity, says Arthur. It's at least worth two icecreams.

Lola thinks she gets it. Tit for tat. And Professor Freud is watching.

Okay, she says. Do your poem. Here's a duster, and some chalk.

Arthur rubs out Shelley's lame attempt to get a kiss. He writes Eternity, in chalk.

"She is found again.
 What? Eternity.
  It is the sea, gone away
  With the sun."

Lola is not sure that this is better than the Shelley, but it is about the sea and it is deep.

Arthur gets his two blood orange gelatis.

Bravo! says Professor Freud.

Do I know you? says Arthur.

Professor Freud, says Professor Freud.

Then you know Sweezus, says Arthur. We're on our way to Middleton to meet him.

Yes, yes, I know Sweezus, says Professor Freud. An interesting chap. He had a dreadful toothache. That was last year. I expect it's better now. What are you two going to do at Middleton? Surfing I suppose?

Yes, says Arthur. He suddenly remembers that he has Mrs Hume's car and all the surfboards, but has forgotten Mrs Hume.

He tells Professor Freud.

Goodness me! says Professor Freud. You've left that fine old lady alone at Port Noarlunga, sitting on a bench. How long ago?

Hours, says Arthur. But she'll be alright. She was looking at the sea, remembering horses.

Professor Freud doubts that very much. Women's minds don't work like that, he thinks. Not horses. Maybe eels.

Lola has more practical concerns.

I'll call Preecey at South Port, Lola says. He can go and see if she's alright.

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