Tuesday, December 25, 2012

In The Blue Mountains

Some time has elapsed.

But not nearly as much as we think.

Here are Gaius and Professor Freud, somewhere inland from Middleton, peering into the bushes.

Heard from Arthur at all? says Professor Freud, poking a leaf with his stick.

Yes, yes, says Gaius. I believe Arthur is finding his baby sitting duties somewhat onerous.

Ha ha! says Professor Freud. He regrets going, I knew it!

Stop poking! says Gaius. That isn't a leaf.


Sweezus and Surfing-With-Whales are on their surfboards, waiting for a wave.

Midge hands her waterproof camera to Belle  et Bonne.

Hold this for a minute, she says. I need to hitch up these shorts.

She hitches up her zig zag patterned shorts that are tied up with string.

Where did you get them? asks Belle et Bonne. They're way too big.

A gift from Mrs Hume, says Midge. She expected a man.

Well, now she's got Arthur, says Belle et Bonne. I wonder how they're getting on?


Arthur is with Mrs Hume in Blaxland. He is getting on reasonably well with Butterfly and Fish.

Every day the children's mother and father go to work, and Arthur and Mrs Hume are in charge.

The new house has a beautiful garden. Butterfly likes to play on the swing.

Arthur! says Butterfly. Come and play on the swing.

Arthur goes down the path with Butterfly to the swing.

The swing is low. Butterfly twists the ropes tight, and lets go.

Stop me! she screams, spinning faster and faster.

Arthur thinks she will stop soon enough.

He is right. She stops with a jerk and falls off the swing backwards, hitting her head on a rock.

Waaah! cries Butterfly.

Are you bleeding? says Arthur.

Waaah! cries Butterfly again, getting up.

She doesn't appear to be bleeding.

What's happened? calls Mrs Hume, from the balcony.

Nothing, says Arthur. She just fell off the swing.

WAAAAAAH! cries Butterfly.

Bring her up here, says Mrs Hume. Fish and I are about to watch Peter Pan.

They go inside and sit on the couch

Fish sits on Arthur's knee. Butterfly sits between Arthur and Mrs Hume.

Fish loves Peter Pan, especially the pirates.  He loves it so much he forgets he needs to go to the toilet.

Arthur feels warm liquid seeping down into his shorts and between his legs into the couch.

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