Sunday, December 2, 2012

Red Lips And Ethical Debates About Fish

Lola calls Preecey.

No worries, says Preecey. Already sorted. She's on her way to Middleton in Midge's van.

Your friend has made her own arrangements, says Lola. She's on her way to Middleton without you.

Arthur looks annoyed.

What's the matter, says Lola? Don't you know the way?

No, we don't, says Arthur. Damn! She didn't strike me as unreliable.

Yeh! says Farky. Unreliable.

I know the way to Middleton, says Profesor Freud. I should be happy to accompany you, that is if you don't think....

What? says Arthur. If we don't think....?

If you don't think there would be just too many characters, says Professor Freud.

No, no, the more the better, says Arthur. You can talk to Mrs Hume. She's old, like you.

I doubt that! says Professor Freud. She's David's mother! She must be well over eighty if a day. Whereas I...

But Arthur isn't listening. Lola is saying something.

Would you like a tissue, Arthur? asks Lola. You have bright red lips.

No thanks, says Arthur, catching sight of his reflection in the coffee machine. I like my bright red lips.

Arthur, Farky and Professor Freud say goodbye to Lola, pile into Mrs Hume's car, and squeal off in the general direction of Middleton.


Sweezus, Belle et Bonne and Surfing-With-Whales are discussing the ethical ins and outs of using fish leather for making bracelets.

Belle et Bonne: I didn't even know you could get fish leather.

Surfing-With-Whales: Yeah you can. Salmon, perch, cod, shark, eels.

Sweezus: Salmon!

Belle et Bonne: I suppose you'd have no problem with it.

Sweezus: No I wouldn't. I eat salmon, what's the diff?

Surfing-With-Whales: Man, I eat salmon, but I wouldn't wear it on my wrist.

Sweezus: As long as it didn't, you know, stink of salmon......

Belle et Bonne: Well I think that's totally irrelevant!

Surfing -With-Whales: Hey! Look who's arrived up top! It's Midge!

They look up. SURF FINK has just pulled up in the car park.

Mrs Hume gets out.

Belle et Bonne: Oh no! Where's her car? I hope she hasn't had an accident!

Sweezus: Sheeez! If she has, what's happened to our surfboards?

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