Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Good For Local Business

Surfing-With-Whales's mum runs a pizza and craft shop. She is pleased to see such a lot of customers.

The customers are less excited. They thought they had been invited home to tea.

Welcome! says Surfing-With-Whales's mum. Come in, sit down. How many pizzas would you like?

There's eight of us, counting Farky, says Surfing-With-Whales. Do you like pizza, Farky?

No he doesn't, says Sweezus.

Yes I do, says Farky.

He can have the meat topping, says Surfing-With-Whales's mum. So that's how many pizzas?

Four large ones, says Mrs Hume. I'll pay. One Godfather, one Supreme, one Meatlovers and one Margarita.

Everyone is astonished by the order.

This isn't Domino's, says Surfing-With-Whales's mum. But I'll do my best.

She goes off round the back.

Well, says Mrs Hume. This is nice.

When are you leaving? says Arthur.

I might stay the night, says Mrs Hume.

Me too, says Professor Freud. Perhaps your mother could put us up?

Sure she could, says Surfing-With-Whales. And we can all sleep in the van.

My van? says Midge.

Yeah, says Surfing-With-Whales. Down in the carpark. Then we can get an early start. You'll get some good front lit shots.

True, says Midge. But that's five in the van, plus the dog.

The dog? says Farky. You mean me? I'm not sleeping in that thing. I've had four knee reconstructions this year.

Don't worry Farky , says Belle et Bonne. I'm sure Mrs Whales will let you sleep here.

Mrs WHALES!. Oh ha ha! laughs Surfing-With-Whales's mum, coming in with the pizzas. That's not my name. My name's Lauren. Lauren Swales.

Arthur thinks this is funny.

He laughs.

Mrs Swales puts the pizzas down on the table just out of his reach.

Sweezus takes a slice of faux-Meatlovers pizza.

Mrs Swales spies his yellow ostrich leather bracelet with the silver stud.

Ohhh! says Mrs Swales. How divine is your bracelet! Do let me see!

MUM! says Surfing-With-Whales.