Monday, June 9, 2014

Modernity Absurdity Discovery

Gaius and Schopenhauer get up early and head for the beach on their bicycles.

Beaudelaire is a grumpy old codger, says Schopenhauer.

Indeed, says Gaius. He reminds me of you, in some ways. Though I don't mean to say that you're grumpy.

Of course not, says Schopenhauer. I have good reason to be cheerful. Travelling, eating fine food, becoming an expert in all matters scientific......I believe I'm on the brink of discovering a new jellyfish species. You and I will be feted.

Yes, yes, says Gaius. But being feted is not why we do it.

Of course not, says Schopenhauer quickly.

They stop at the edge of the beach and look for the smear of the jellyfish from yesterday evening.


Arthur and Unni, Camus and Beaudelaire are also up early.

They meet at the front of Villa Howden with their bicycles, and set off in the direction of Hobart.

Beaudelaire rides up behind Arthur.

That Schopenhauer is a funny old codger, says Beaudelaire.

He's all right, says Arthur. And what's more he pays for everything.

Same old Arthur, says Beaudelaire.

Ah! says Unni, who is right behind them You do know each other!

Yes, says Beaudelaire. We do.

Unni drops back level with Albert Camus.

What's your thingummy? asks Unni.

Pardon? says Albert Camus.

Literary thinger, says Unni. You must know what you're going to?

Charles! calls Albert Camus. What is it we're going to?

MOFO! yells Beaudelaire. Don't ask me. No doubt it stands for something.

That sounds typical, says Albert Camus.

It sounds modern, says Unni. Will you be reading a poem?

I doubt it, says Camus. What's that thing you said you were going to?

The Salamanca Markets, says Unni. We're in search of a hat.

Very nice, says Camus, imagining Unni in a hat. A perky French one. How cute she will look.

A captain's hat, for a lobster, says Unni.

What did she say? asks Beaudelaire, who has been trying to listen.

A captain's hat for a lobster, says Arthur, helpfully. He lost it.

Beaudelaire is a modernist. In fact he invented the term

In French of course. Modernité, or whatever.

The point being, he likes anything new.

Like a captain's hat for a lobster.

He cheers up instantly. Life is no longer tedious. He will gladly do MOFO.

But first he will go to the Salamanca Markets with these absurd young people, and look for a hat for a lobster.

No doubt Camus will go too.

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