Saturday, May 6, 2017

Give A Woman An Opening

Hunte's Gardens. The Mini pulls up, in the driveway.

Beautiful isn't it, says Julia. Don't you just love it.

Gaius gets out. It is indeed a beautiful garden, in a rain forest setting, with winding paths, quirky statues, exotic plants and flowers in mini gardens on multiple levels, descending into the depths of a sink hole.

Anthony Hunte comes out of his house, with a tray.

Welcome, all! says Anthony. Anyone for rum punches?

Faint cries from the back of the Mini.

Can't you get out, Rachel? says Julia. Wait a minute.

She helps Rachel out. Rachel straightens her turban.

Rachel Pringle Polgeen! cries Anthony. It's been so long. Come inside, won't you?

Anthony, says Rachel Pringle Polgreen. We're here to visit your garden. Not you.

Yes, of course, says Anthony. Feel free. I mean that. Normally it's thirty dollars per person.

That's so kind, says Julia.

Wander about, enjoy, says Anthony. Come and see me at the end of your wanderings. Is there someone else in your car?

Yes there is. Griff hasn't got out yet.

Get out, Griff, says Gaius. Or can't you?

I'm still a bit stiff, says Griff. Give me a minute.

Out, Griffy! says Rachel. A rum punch'll fix you.

Griff gets out, rubbing his knees. He hops about, lurching forward and sideways.

Take the drinks with you, says Anthony. There are plenty of nooks with tables and chairs. And fancy umbrellas. Classical music, wafting.....But don't drop the glasses.

Off they go, down the path, wandering between palm trees, bearded fig trees, cherry trees, and shak shaks, stopping to admire hibiscus, poinsettias, heliconia, desert roses, ginger lilies, bush balls, bougainvilleas, golden showers, tiny pools and fountains, stone Venuses and Buddhas in various attitudes, while classical music wafts in and out of their ears, exactly as promised.

The path is narrow. Gaius is walking beside Rachel, in the random way such things happen.

He should start a conversation.

He tries, as they are passing a golden shower.

Ah, a golden shower, says Gaius.

Rachel smiles, and pokes him in the side, quite low down, too.

Insupportable. What has he said to deserve a poke in the side?

She is probably just waiting for an opening.

Well, he won't give her one. He doesn't want a conversation about Women.

Fortunately a green monkey appears before them, leaping and frisking. Probably looking for nuts.

And there! Gaius spots a familiar butterfly.

A Monarch! He points it out to Rachel.

A Mimic, says Rachel. They only look like a Monarch. The Monarch has very few predators. So the Mimic mimics the Monarch, for reasons of safety.

I see you know your lepidoptera, says Gaius.

Oh yes, says Rachel. And I know how to look after myself.

Damn. He has given her an opening after all. Here we go......

I was born into slavery, says Rachel. My mother was an African slave here in Barbados. My father was a plantation owner. When I grew up he made certain advances to me, which I resisted.

Really? says Gaius.

Of course really, snaps Rachel. My own father! That's when I became a Pringle.

A Pringle, says Gaius. Of course.

I was purchased by Royal Navy officer Thomas Pringle. He set me up in a house. But I soon tired of Pringle.

Hum, says Gaius.

So, says Rachel. I borrowed a baby and pretended it was his, so he had to go back to Britain.

What? says Gaius.

That's how it was, says Rachel. He went. By then I had a new patron, Mr Polgreen. I should perhaps say, I was very beautiful in those days. I was tall, with wide hips and  gigantic bosoms. I wore low cut gowns and a little straw hat on top of my turban. Let myself go a bit now, but I still have the bosoms......

Gaius had noticed.

Now what? Will she want to sit down at a table and drink the rum punches?

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