Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Often Running

Humboldt returns with a handful of blindworms.

He drops them on the table, near the bandy bandies.

The blindworms wriggle away.

Fearlessly they drop off the edge of the table.

Plop. Plop.

The bandy bandies follow.

How's the comparison going? asks Humboldt.

One of them speaks in riddles, says Gaius.

Really, which one? asks Humboldt.

The vermicella parscauda, says Gaius. He mentioned a riddle I've never heard of.

Perhaps I have, says Humboldt. I do enjoy riddles.

Moist is her eye, says Gaius. That was the last line of the riddle

Ah, says Humboldt. A naughty riddle.

I don't see why, says Gaius.

Yes, quite suggestive, says Humboldt. But I seem to forget how it goes.

Never mind then, says Gaius.

Know any good ones? asks Humboldt.

I know one good one, says Gaius.

So do I, says Ageless, who has finished adding pasta wheels to the plum box.

What is it? asks the old bandy bandy.

His or mine? asks Gaius.

His, says the old bandy bandy.

I'm often running, yet I have no legs. You need me but I don't need you. What am I? asks Ageless

A lobster, says the new bandy bandy.

It's a riddle! says Ageless. The answer can't be a lobster.

A snake, says the old one.

No, says Ageless. Give up yet?

A blind worm, says the new one. We need them but they don't need us.

(The blind worms would agree if they hadn't been eaten).

Water, says Ageless. Often running.

O very good! says Humboldt. Now, ask your riddle, Gaius.

He is about to, when Terence comes in.

Guess what? says Terence. I got here all on my own.

Well done, says Gaius. And guess what? You're in time for a riddle.

You've just missed a good one, says Ageless. Mine was so difficult no one could answer.

Water, says Kobo.

Lucky you weren't here, my pom-pom, says Ageless.

Go ahead, Gaius, says Humboldt.

Gaius asks his riddle.

It's a mathematical riddle, says Gaius. How can you take one from nineteen and the answer is twenty?

Easy, says Terence.

Only those who know mathematics, says Gaius.

The blind worms may have known mathematics, but they are out of contention.

Ageless has little interest.

Kobo is weighing the pros and cons of being labelled a pom pom.

Pinky is still folded in Terence's pocket.

Terence is not allowed to answer.

Humboldt has almost cracked it.

Gaius is an old Roman. It will be something to do with...

But Gaius has decided that since no one knows the answer, he will reveal it.

Using the Roman numerals XIX, says Gaius, take away one, leaving XX, which is twenty.

I KNEW that, says Terence.

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