Saturday, June 4, 2022

Unkind Cement Boy

Before we go, says Letitia, I'll just quickly check a few pipe traps.

I'll come with you, says Katherine. 

Okay, says Letitia. Let's go.

Gaius, Wittgenstein, Terence, Roo-kai and the victorious Tarti get into the university Toyota. 

You won! says Terence. And you've got ninja costumes.

Help us put them on, says Quiet-Tartus.

How? asks Terence.

Hold them open, says Shorty-Tartus. We'll work our way inside.

These are only tops, says Terence.

Ninja bottoms would be too long for frogs, says Gaius. 

But theoretically, we could have bottoms made, says Quiet-Tartus.

I suppose so, says Gaius.

The Toyota door opens.

It's Katherine.

Letitia needs a frog box!

Gaius rummages in the back seat amongst the tree pipe trap equipment.

Will this do?

It's a short section of PVC pipe, with a cap at one end. 

Is there a cap, for the other end? There should be one somewhere. Yes, here.

He jams the second cap on and hands it to Katherine.

Here is your frog box. May I ask....?

But Katherine has disappeared into the night with the frog box.

Not strictly a box, says Wittgenstein. Was it?

What is your idea of a box? asks Gaius.

Something with corners, says Wittgenstein. 

What about a hat box? says Gaius. Hat boxes are round.

Of course, says Wittgenstein. I had not thought of a hat box.

Katherine and Letitia arrive with their capture.

You'll never believe it, says Letitia. Look what we found in one of the pipe traps.

She takes the top cap off, and hands Gaius the torch. 

Gaius peers inside, where a small brown mountain frog glistens.


I don't think I know this one, says Gaius.

It's a philoria knowlesi! says Letitia. My first one.

Let's see, says Terence. Yuck! It's slimy!

That is unkind, says Roo-kai.

The knowlesi hops to the top of the pipe and looks around the Toyota.

A bunch of uninteresting grown ups.

The cement boy who has been unkind.

And two frogs dressed as ninjas, but without proper bottoms.

The knowlesi hops down to make their acquaintance.

Want me to catch it? asks Gaius.

I'll catch it! says Terence.

He makes a grab at the back legs of the knowlesi.

Yes! he has got it, but it's legs are super slimy.

He squeezes. 

Maybe too hard.

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