Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Rocking Towards The Great Sea

The carrot still refuses to write.

Never mind, says Belle. We'll put it in the box and write something ourselves.

Can I do it? asks Terence.

You can put the carrot in the box, says Belle. I'll write the note.

The box has a lid, attached on one side.

He opens the lid.

On the inside of the lid is a picture of three spotted eggs in a nest, lined with pink feathers.

You'll LOVE this! says Terence.

He drops the half carrot into the box and closes the lid.

It's dark and the carrot can't see anything. 

It does not love this.

It's probably dark in there, says Roo-kai. 

Open it, says Belle. I'll drop the note in.

Terence opens the lid.

The carrot gets a momentary glimpse of the eggs before the lid disappears and rests on the grass.

What did you write, dear? asks Saint Méen.

Dear Saint Roley's brother, says Belle. Please follow this carrot. It doesn't have a compass but it knows its way home.

The half carrot is outraged. It has no plans to go home.

But it's too late now.

The note is placed in the box, the lid is closed, and the box is lifted.

And jiggled for ages.

The carrot hears words.

What was the name of the brother?

Don't you remember?

Saint Malo, as I recall. The brothers were found in Saint Malo.

Wasn't it our potato box originally?

Yes, it was. 

Do you still eat a lot of potatoes?

Almost nothing but. We sometimes add fennel.

Why don't you come for a visit? The weather is pleasant.

I'd love that. Would you like that, Terence?

Yay! (This must be Terence).

You know, that carrot would have been a welcome addition to our pantry 

Ho ho! I hope it didn't hear that!

Here's a nice spot, shall we drop it in now?

Me! Let me do it!

Plop. Splash. 

Goodbye half carrot.

No view of the sky but a memory of three spotted eggs in a nest lined with feathers.

Rocking slowly towards the great sea.

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