Thursday, September 1, 2022

Teeth Of The Future

Roo-kai descends, flying level with Belle's ear.

What happened to the carrot? asks Roo-kai

The frogs, says Belle. I'm hoping to dry it out as I go.

They ate the bottom half? asks Roo-kai.

No! says Belle. Is it missing?

Yes, says Roo-kai. And the top half looks like it's waiting for something.

Grandpa, says Terence. 

We were praying, says the knowlesi.

I wasn't, says Terence.

You were , says Quiet-tartus.

I definitely was, says the knowlesi. I'm still doing it. Ommmmm.

Where did you learn that? asks Roo-kai.

Baby Pierre, says the knowlesi. And he learned it from his mother. And she learned it from the Omniscient Stone.

It's just a stupid rock, says Terence. With knobs on.

It's supposed to know the future, says the knowlesi.

So what's the point praying to it? says Roo-kai.

 A good question, says Belle. By the way, did you see Baby Pierre and Ouvert on the road anywhere?

Yes, says Roo-kai. They're already two k's behind us.

Oh well, says Belle. It was their choice. It means we'll have time to look around Le Havre.

What's there? asks Terence.

Boats, says Belle. All kinds. And the Bains des Docks, and the Docks OcĂ©ane arena, and the Magic Mirrors. 

Magic Mirrors! says Terence. Let's go there!

Okay, says Belle. We'll see all of them, but first we'll go to the Shipowners's House. That's where I think Baby Pierre will be heading.

Shall I go back and check? asks Roo-kai. We could set up a rendez-vous.

Yes, do that, says Belle.

Roo-kai flies back to where Baby Pierre and Ouvert are toiling along the road, sweating.

You guys, says Roo-kai. 

What? says Baby Pierre. Come to mock us?

No way, says Roo-kai. I'm here to help. And to tell you what's happened to the carrot.

Tell us, says Ouvert. 

It's now only half a carrot, says Roo-kai. Hanging on the back of Belle's pack, with Terence's old shorts. Looking for some kind of grandpa. The knowlesi is giving it an ommm.

Ommmms don't work, says Baby Pierre. The Omniscient Stone used to say it all the time.

So how do you know it didn't work? asks Ouvert.

Because Gaius used the Omniscient Stone to make teeth for Sweezus's dog, Farky, says Baby Pierre. To be fair, the teeth were omniscient.

Wow! What happened to Farky? asks Ouvert. Was he famous?

Kidnapped, says Baby Pierre.

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