Saturday, September 17, 2022

The Frivolous Scribbler

That donkey was the reason I was captured, says Pierre-Louis Maupertuis.

Was it? says Arthur.

Yes, says Pierre-Louis. I had been invited to visit the court of Frederick the Great. Frederick was pleased when I offered to join him in battle. However, he failed to provide me with a horse. So I was obliged to purchase a donkey, for two ducats.

That seems cheap, says Arthur.

Too cheap, says Pierre-Louis. The donkey couldn't keep up. I got lost and wandered about the countryside on my own for two days, until I was captured by Austrians.

So you missed out on the battle, says Arthur. 

Yes. And worse, I was laughed at by my enemies in Paris, says Pierre-Louis.

You had enemies? asks Arthur.

What famous person hasn't? says Pierre-Louis. I'm thinking of someone in particular, who was beside himself with glee.

How do you know? asks Arthur.

He was a frivolous scribbler, says Pierre-Louis. Famous himself at the time. 

What about now? asks Arthur.

Still scribbling, says Pierre-Louis. Runs an online cycling magazine. Interviews with cycling philosophers. Can you believe it?

I can, says Arthur. He's my best friend's boss.

You don't say? says Pierre-Louis. Do you see much of him?

We rode in the Tour De France this year, says Arthur. Different teams though.

Pierre-Louis looks sour.

The train arrives in Saint Malo.

Where are you staying? asks Pierre-Louis.

Nowhere, says Arthur. I'm setting off straight away to meet Belle.

Belle? says Pierre-Louis. 

The frivolous scribbler's adopted daughter, says Arthur.

Oh? What is she like? asks Pierre-Louis. Up herself I suppose.

No, says Arthur. She's nothing like Vello.

She's the one with the frogs? asks Pierre-Louis.

Yes, she cycled to Le Havre from Paris with them, says Arthur. Now she's on her way to Saint Malo.

I'll give you my address, says Pierre-Louis. Ask her to pay me a visit.

Okay, says Arthur. But she probably won't want to.

I quite understand that, says Pierre-Louis, but I would like to meet her. Perhaps I'll get out my old bicycle and join you. How would that be?

I'm not waiting, says Arthur.

Never mind. I'll catch up, says Pierre-Louis. 

It seems he is hard to get rid of.

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