Thursday, September 29, 2022

White Stuff Oozing Out

Arthur has not come back from the chemist at Jullouville.

He'll have gone on ahead, says Jeanne Jugan.

And even if he hasn't, says Pierre-Louis, he said he'd catch up.

He did, says Jeanne Jugan. Let's get going.

They get on their bikes and head up the coast towards Gouville-sur-mer.

Arthur is not far out of Gouville-sur-mer.

They can see him in the distance.

There he is, says Jeanne Jugan.

But Arthur is riding quite fast, having stopped for the apples and then for the toilet.

It's sixty-five ks to Flamanville.

He takes another apple out of his pocket.


Belle and the saints have taken a short cut to Flamanville and are already there.

Belle sends a message to Arthur.

At Flamanville. Will wait for you here.

The frogs are in the bottom of Belle's panier velo.

No one has checked on them for ages.

How are the frogs? asks Belle, now.

Dead, says Terence.

I hope not, says Belle. Let's have look at them.

She lifts Terence out, and peers into the depths of the panier.

Quiet-tartus and the knowlesi are in a bad way.

They both have have splits in their skin, with white stuff oozing out of them.

Yerk! says Belle. She lifts them out quickly, and places them on the grass beside Terence.

Uuuurh! says the knowlesi.

Quiet-tartus says nothing.

These frogs look quite poorly, says Saint Méen. 

I know, says Belle. We may not need Arthur.

Are we finished? moans the knowlesi.

Only if you choose to be, says Saint Maclou. We are saints, and can help you.

Hoooow? asks the knowlesi.

Saints, repeats Saint Maclou.

I think he meant How? says Belle.

Of course, says  Saint Maclou. I should have realised. This is how. First you must pray.

Can't we just have a gift? moans the knowlesi. Like you gave to the carrot?

NO! says Terence. Look how badly that went!

Terence is wise, says Saint Méen.

Okay, says the knowlesi. Who to?

Either of us, says Saint Méen. Then we'll see what happens.

Quiet-tartus can't pray, says Terence. He's dead already.

No he isn't, says Belle. Look, his belly is going up and down.

But he can't talk, says Terence.

I'll do it for both of us, says the knowlesi. Will that be okay?

Yes, says Saint Méen. Better get started.

You have to bend over, says Terence.

We'll overlook that requirement, says Saint Méen.

The knowlesi has never prayed for anything in his life.

What is the protocol? 

He doesn't know how, says Terence. I do. Let me do it. 

I suppose that's all right says Saint Méen.

Terence makes a rude finger movement.

Belle frowns. 

Dear Holies, says Terence. I ask for these split-open frogs. Fix our bellies before our insides fall out of our bodies. Over and out.

That was unconventional, says Saint Méen. 

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