Thursday, October 20, 2022

High Speed Blast

Are we there yet? asks Terence.

They are passing stone houses, close to the road.

Yes, says Jeanne Jugan. Look out for a bin.

What do they look like? asks Terence.

Like bins, says Jeanne Jugan. Surely there's no need to ask.

Some bins look like penguins, says Terence. My friend Baby Bin Penguin is one.

How nice, says Jeanne Jugan. Where does this friend live?

Tasmania, says Terence. With his parents.

You'll find the bins in Cancale are just normal, says Jeanne Jugan. There's one now!

It's a green wheelie, out on the footpath.

Jeanne Jugan stops.

Looks around. 

Opens the lid of the wheelie.

Throw the moules in, says Jeanne Jugan. 

Terence throws the whole bag in. 

Jeanne Jugan closes the lid, checks that Terence is still clamped to her panier, and pedals away.

Now we're free, says Terence. 

Free, says Jeanne Jugan. Free to go home and start preparations.

I'm watering the high rangers, says Terence.

Hydrangeas, says Jeanne Jugan. Yes that will be your job. I'll prepare afternoon tea.

She pulls up at her front gate. Roo-kai is waiting.

He has located a public bin outside an icecream shop.

Too late, says Terence. We already threw them away!

What in? asks Roo-kai. Not someone's private bin out on the footpath?

Yes, says Jeanne Jugan. I didn't think it would matter. It's bin day.

Maybe so, says Roo-kai. But the bins have already been emptied.

Holy marbles! says Jeanne Jugan. What time is it?

Four o'clock, says Roo-kai. Belle and the saints will be arriving in just a few minutes. 

I'd better go inside and look in the cupboard, says Jeanne Jugan. With luck there'll be an old gâteau Breton. Terence, stay out here and water the hydrangeas.

Yay! says Terence. That's my job.

He runs to an outside tap, with a coiled up hose fitted. 

Jeanne Jugan goes inside to look for a gâteau Breton.

Roo-kai wonders if he should go and find the bin that the moules have been wrongfully thrown in.

It ought to be easy.

But really, why should he?

Terence is likely to damage the hydrangeas with a high speed blast of water, if Roo-kai doesn't stay.

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