Tuesday, August 22, 2023

That Was Them!

The plane lands in Adelaide.

The passengers get off.

Katherine is waiting.

David! says Katherine. How was your flight?

It seemed rather long, says David. And Terence threw up, near the end.

The poor child, says Katherine. Where is he?

Here he comes now, with Gaius.

Hello dear, says Katherine.

Guess what! says Terence.

You threw up, says Katherine. There's still some on your shorts.

Not as much as there was on my trousers, says Gaius.

That explains the wet patch, says Katherine.

Ha ha! laughs Terence. Gaius has a wet patch!

You seem all right now, Terence, says Katherine.

Yes, and guess what, says Terence.

You have a toy duck, says Katherine. Is it French?

Yes, says Gaius. Belle bought it in a French toy shop. Only then it looked different.

How so? asks Katherine.

There were two ducks, says Gaius. One behind the other, on wheels.

That reminds me, says David. He takes the wheels from his pocket, and gives them to Gaius.

Probably redundant, says Gaius.

Where's the other duck? asks Katherine.

Spinning in space, says Terence. For ever.

How nice, says Katherine. Right. Let's get you home. 

We won't all fit in your car, says David.

Pierre-Louis and I will catch a bus, says Gaius. But perhaps you could take Terence.

Certainly, says Katherine. 

Hello Katherine! says Vello, emerging at last from International Arrivals.

Want a lift to the office? asks Katherine.

Thank you, says Vello. I ought to plunge straight back in. 

We're giving Terence a lift, too, says Katherine. 

Fine, says Vello.

Katherine leads Vello, David and Terence to her car in the car park.

They drive out, passing an Uber, driving in.

Fuck, says Sweezus, who is the passenger in the Uber. That was them! Take me back to the city.

The Uber driver turns round and heads back to the city.

Roo-kai wheels overhead.

He'd been looking forward to seeing Terence.

Now what's happening?

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