Tuesday, December 20, 2011

She Looks Squirmy

Lavender was excited. Kobo was coming to Sydney! She wrote back at once, on the back of The Kiss.

dear aunty kobo (she wrote)
oh yes do come to sydney there is plenty of room. you can sleep in the garage with me. there are meant to be redbacks, but i haven't seen one.

that dumb baby pierre!!! playing the knife game!! what you need for the knife game is a knife and some fingers but he only has a knife.

don't let him use it for putting your eyes in aunty kobo.

now, turn over this postcard. hee hee! that's you kissing ageless!! look! it looks just like him !! it's picasso kissing his girlfriend jacqueline. picasso is 88 years old. and jacqueline looks squirmy i think. she thinks he's so famous so she will let him kiss her but yuck!!! well that's what i think aunty kobo what do you think? maybe you love him??? i don't know.

ooh! how disgusting of sophie to want to sleep with her ancient french teacher, how distinguished of him to say no. what a good daddy he would be. that's the sort of daddy i like. what happens next aunty kobo ??? you can tell me from your own lips when I see you in sydney oh i am so very excited we will run on the beach aunty kobo and everything.

see you soon love lavender xx

ps don't bring baby pierre !!!

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