Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Travel is my Passion

Lavender met Kobo at the door of the children's house in Sydney.

Woohoo! said Lavender. Aunty Kobo! Come in!

Nice place, said Kobo, impressed. Leafy suburb, winding pathways, Christmas lights, the scent of eucalyptus, Pity it's raining. House looks tidy too. Where's my room?

We're in the garage said Lavender, but don't worry. We may not have to sleep there. The bed pump needs recharging so our beds are flat as pancakes. We might sleep on couches in the lounge. How are the new eyes?

Baby Pierre is so ham-fisted, said Kobo. I'm sure he put them in upside down. But never mind, the brain quickly adjusts to these things. At the moment you look horizontal.

I AM horizontal, Aunty Kobo, said Lavender. This is how I look. Apart from that, what do you think ?

There's not a lot to you, said Kobo. Are you going to offer me a cup of tea?

Oh yes, Aunty Kobo. And dinner and everything. And you can watch the children have their bath, and read them a bedtime story. Then you can have a glass of wine.

This is the life, said Kobo. Travel is my passion. What shall we do tomorrow?

Tomorrow, said Lavender, we are going to the dentist, the hairdresser, Gloria Jean's coffee shop, the carwash, the camping shop, and the playground. Then we're going to watch a Wiggles DVD, and Baby Einstein.

Oh, said Kobo. Good.

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