Friday, December 9, 2011

Who Invented Children?

If this was Sydney, then Sydney was a house, and Lavender was no longer in charge.

The knitted personages had lost their imposed heirarchical order.

The Bag of Presents had been opened and closed.

Father Christmas had been forced to wear an apron, temporarily.

Mother Christmas had regained her apron and now wore it back to front.

The Stupid Looking Snowman had lost his scarf, and worse, his arms, which lay on the floor.

The Cute Reindeer had lost his beloved antlers, and now wore them as a necklace.

The Branch Members had come off the best, having won several races.

But everyone had had his cardboard bottom removed at least once.

Lavender remained in the box, sulking.

Whoever invented CHILDREN? she thought.

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