Friday, February 7, 2014

Identification Of Gases, Fear Of Snakes

Katherine is telling David and Vello how scientific Fish is.

Only four and a half, says Katherine. And would you believe it, after dinner he holds up an object and asks What is this gas?

And what was it? asks David.

Cheese, says Katherine.

What kind of cheese? asks Vello.

That is hardly the question, says David. What did you answer?

I found it difficult to answer, says Katherine. I'm no scientist.

I should say so, says Vello. A cheese is a solid.

Or a liquid, says David. If you melt it. But a gas?

The thing is, says Katherine. It must have gas in it.

The philosophers muse on this question.

For what otherwise, pursues Katherine, is the smell?

Clever little fellow, that Fish, says David. You too, mother.

Vello remains unconvinced.


Olive Python and Charles Red-Belly are planning their journey.

What mode of travel do you prefer, my darling? asks Charles. Shank's pony?

I have only ever travelled by air, replies Olive Python. I flew here with Katherine by Virgin. Before that I flew with Lu Ban. He had a large butternut pumpkin.

Charles becomes instantly jealous.

And who may I ask is Lu Ban?

A Chinese carpenter immortal, says Olive. He rode in the Tour Down Under. I rode the last stage with him.

Charles calms down. His beloved is famous?

Dearest, says Charles. Who else do you know?

No one, says Olive. Only Arthur. Arthur Rimbaud. He's a rider as well. But he also writes poetry.

I think, dear, says Charles Red-belly, we should stop over in Adelaide. I should like to meet Arthur Rimbaud.

All right, says Olive. Let's go up to the house and find out when Katherine is leaving.

They slither up the stone steps to the house. Someone is knocking on the door.

Knock knock.

The door is opened by the children's mummy.

Unni Moon! says mummy.

Hi, says Unni, I came to say goodbye to Katherine.

Oh dear, says mummy. You've missed her. She left yesterday.

Olive Python looks at Charles Red-belly.

Charles Red-belly looks back at her.

Oh my goodness! cries mummy. Two horrible snakes!

Unni turns around slowly.

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