Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Kindness Of Dr Valentine

Pastor Moon skids to a halt outside the Hay District Hospital on Murray Street, seconds before collapsing at the wheel.

Two doctors run out of the hospital.

Dear me, says Dr Duval. What have we here?

Looks like an emergency, says Dr Valentine. What say we open the door?

She opens the door of the Ute but draws back suddenly.

Snakes! says Dr Valentine. This alters the equation. Get the snake box.

Dr Duval runs inside.

He comes back with the snake box, and a prong.


You are a very lucky man, says Dr Valentine to Pastor Moon, five minutes later.

Lucky, says Pastor Moon groggily. Where am I?

You're in Hay District Hospital, in a bed, says Dr Duval.

I can't believe it, says Pastor Moon. Two doctors? Am I dreaming?

Ha ha, laughs Dr Duval. Yes, you are. There is really just one of us.

I thought so, says Pastor Moon. But which one?

Never mind that, says Dr Valentine. Why are you travelling with snakes?


Olive Python and Charles Red-belly are locked inside the snake box.

Dr Duval peers in through the mesh.

Now then, says Dr Duval. Which one of you bit the old man?

I was provoked, says Charles Red-belly. It was me.

Olive giggles.

Good, says Dr Duval. We have given him the right treatment

Tiger Snake antivenom, says Charles.

You know it? says Dr Duval.

What snake doesn't? says Charles, with a sneer.

Olive giggles again.


At last it is time to move on.

Pastor Moon has recovered.

Olive too.

(But they still look peaky).

Goodbye doctors, says Pastor Moon, and thank you.

Take care, says Dr Duval. Don't drive too far in one go.

No, don't, says Dr Valentine. In fact, I have an idea.


How thoughtful is Dr Valentine!

She has had a lovely idea.

Instead of driving to Renmark this evening, why not drive sixteen kilometres up the Cobb Highway and visit the Hay Sunset Viewing Area. It's ever so beautiful.

In fact, Dr Valentine is off duty soon and she will go with them. If they like it, they can camp overnight.

Pastor Moon is not sure how this tallies with his duty of pastoral care.

You owe this to yourself, Mr Moon, says Dr Valentine. We don't want an accident.

If you put it like that, says Pastor Moon.

But you must keep the snakes in the snake box, says Dr Valentine.

Certainly, says Pastor Moon.

He looks down into the snake box, where the two snakes appear to be sleeping........

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