Thursday, February 27, 2014

Snake Tales Of The City

Olive Python and Charles Red-belly have been keeping an eye on the ute, which is still parked on Gilles Street.

They believe that the money, which is half theirs, is somewhere inside.

They watch from a disused doorway, behind a red bin.

Margaret returns to the ute, looking worried. She carries a plastic shopping bag with something heavy inside.

That'll be Porky, whispers Olive. Dead as a donut.

Looks like it, says Charles Red-belly. Except, not a donut. See how the bag swings.

Mmm, says Olive. Maybe it's not him at all.

Margaret tries the door of the ute. It won't open. She rattles the window and then looks about for a stone.

Katherine appears from a side street, with Arthur and Sweezus in tow.

Margaret gestures wildly.

Katherine, who still has Ray's car key, opens the door.

She picks up an almost identical bag from the seat of the ute, looks inside, turns pale, and sits down on the pavement.

Woooeee! says Olive. Porky! So.....

.......where's our money? says Charles.

In the other one, whispers Olive. If she puts it down.....

....we can dart out and make off with it, says Charles.

But....says Olive, Arthur will see us.

Arthur? says Charles. That's Arthur?

Yes, that's him, says Olive.

Introduce me! says Charles. You know I've been dying to meet him.

So the snakes slither up to the back of the ute where Arthur is helpfully emptying the shopping bag into the tray.

Man! says Sweezus. Awesome. A red belly !

Arthur turns from his unpleasant task to see Olive Python, and beside her, a red bellied black snake, who is looking at him in a way that reminds him of an old friend and mortal enemy.

This is Charles, says Olive. Like me, he is an afficionado of Charles Baudelaire. He wants to meet you.

Charles Red-belly affects a lean and hungry look.

Hello, says Arthur. Excuse me a minute.

He reaches into the back of the ute and retrieves the limp body of Porky.

Arthur, says Sweezus. Don't do it, mate. Katherine won't like it.

Margaret taps Katherine on the shoulder. Katherine looks up.

Is Arthur really going to feed Porky to Charles Red-belly? As a gesture of Baudelarian blood-brotherhood?

We shall never know.

Arthur, don't even think of it, says Katherine.

Of course not, says Arthur, looking sideways at Charles.

Charles Red-belly flicks his tongue in and out, and carelessly licks his own tail.

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