Sunday, May 8, 2016

Fighting The Giant Chance

Nietzsche is pleased to have beaten Mrs Bottle, one-nil.

And it's close to lunch time.

Captain Bain has already announced it.

Crackle....(this is Captain Bain) I hope you're all enjoying the magnificent sights and (ahem) smells of the Coorong. Shortly we shall be stopping for a healthy lunch. Those of you who have ordered gluten free or have other dietary requirements will be.........

Shall we go down? says Edith.

Yes, says Reg. Did you remember to tell them?

Of course I did, dear, says Edith.

Coming, Friedrich? asks Lauren.

Nietzsche stands up, knocking over the Hello Kitty back pack.

Look out! says Irma. You stepped on my back pack.

A sharp groan is heard from the depths of the back pack. Followed by a drumming.

Open it, quick! says Emma.

Irma opens the back pack.

SHUT IT! snaps Ageless from the depths. We're .... just SHUT IT!

Hells bells! says Irma. Sorr-eee!

What's up? says Emma.

They're moulting heaps quickly, says Irma. Half in and half out, both of them.

What was the drumming? asks Nietzsche.

Don't know, says Irma. I've not heard it before.

She stands the back pack upright and wedges it under a seat.

The drumming continues.

Nietzsche's rash starts to tingle.

On second thoughts, I'll stay up here, says Nietzsche. Will one of you bring my lunch up?

Sure, I will, says Emma.

Nietzsche sits with his legs apart, listening to the drumming.

Captain Bain is crackling again.

In ten minutes time (crackles Captain Bain) we will disembark for a guided walk through the dunes of the Younghusband Peninsula to the white sandy beaches of the Great Southern Ocean. Please make sure you all have sunscreen on, and hats, and proper footwear, and those of you who are bird spotters will be.... blah blah crackle.

Nietzsche wonders what exactly will be in his lunch box. What do the cruise organisers think of as healthy? Will he be obliged to disembark? Sigh. How did he get here? He is still fighting step by step the giant Chance. It seems the senseless, the meaningless, still rules over mankind.....

Crarrrk! The back pack at his feet splits asunder!

A new Ageless lobster and a new Catcher burst out, just as Emma brings his lunch up.

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