Tuesday, May 31, 2016


The Overland Express stops at Horsham.

Gaius looks up from his frog notes.

I suppose we'll be moving seats again, says Gaius.

We may not have to, says Arthur.

I might just sit here, says Gaius.

Up to you, says Arthur. But I'm going to walk down the train.

Some people get off at Horsham. Some people get on. No one sits down next to Gaius.

Arthur comes back with a sandwich.

Did you get me one? asks Gaius.

No, says Arthur. They only had tomato.

Tch! says Gaius. I've a mind to complain.

No, don't do that, says Arthur. Have a bite of this one.

But is it tomato? asks Gaius.

No, says Arthur. It's ham.

Gaius takes a bite of Arthur's ham sandwich.

The train pulls out of Horsham.

Arthur takes an envelope out of his pocket. It's open. He pulls out a sheet of blue notepaper closely written in Chinese characters.

He already knows what it says:

He has failed each day to keep his word.
Had I thought how regular the tide is
I might rather have chosen a river boy.

That from Shu? asks Gaius.

Yes, says Arthur. He should be home by now.

A puzzle of a man, says Gaius. Bit slow on the uptake. But you must put him behind you.

I already have, says Arthur. I like travelling. There may be snow on the plateau.

Snow on the plateau? says Gaius. Do you know something I don't?

That would be remarkable, says Arthur. It's there in your notes. The Baw Baw Plateau is an extremely cold high altitude habitat.

My goodness, says Gaius. What month is it?

June, says Arthur. Winter.

That is inconvenient, says Gaius. I must send you out to buy us warm jackets in Melbourne.

Arthur thinks of the $158 in his pocket, saved from the Overland fare.

And now, money for jackets.

The Overland rolls east towards Melbourne.

Meanwhile on the cold Baw Baw Plateau snow is falling.

One more Baw Baw Frog succumbs to the cruel chytrid fungus.

The remaining two hundred and forty eight Baw Baw frogs are preparing to become inactive.

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