Friday, May 20, 2016

The Flying Imagination

The Spirit of the Coorong has docked at the Goolwa Wharf, in its usual position.

The passengers line up to disembark.

Captain Bain is standing at the end of the gangplank.

Thank you, Captain Bain, says Edith. It was a lovely cruise. And we learned so much about barrages.

Thank you, says Irma. And we met Mr Nitcher.

Yes, says Emma. We did him in school.

Nietzsche is right behind them.

And how did you enjoy our cruise? asks Captain Bain.

Very well, says Nietzsche. I reached several conclusions.

This is not the answer Captain Bain had expected.

But there is no time to pursue it.

Next comes Lauren, with the Hello Kitty back pack.

Oho, says Captain Bain, sniffing the air surreptitiously. Now YOU have the crab and the lobster.

Along with an Elegant Parrot, says Lauren.

Hold on, says Captain Bain. Do you mean to tell me that you have captured an Elegant Parrot, whilst on board my vessel?

Not captured, says Lauren. It decided to come.

That's not what it looks like, says Captain Bain.

What does it look like? asks Lauren.

It looks like unauthorised taking of native wildlife, says Captain Bain. I'm sorry, but I can't allow it.

For goodness sake, says Lauren. We're in a hurry.

There is a solution, says Captain Bain.

Is there a problem? says the back pack (or so it would seem to a casual listener).

Lauren opens the back pack.

The Elegant Parrot hops out.

Hah! says Captain Bain.

You can't get off the boat, says Lauren to the Elegant Parrot.

The banked-up passengers look at one another ironically.

Captain Bain realises the absurdity of the situation.

I guess it can go where it likes, says Captain Bain.

Thank you, says Lauren.

Thank you, captain, says the Elegant Parrot. You won't regret this. I'm on my way to work for the Infant. I know little about him, but I imagine he has supernatural powers and a blue face, like one of the Indian gods. No doubt in the next life you will be rewarded.

Shut up, before you embarrass yourself, croaks a voice from the depths of the back pack.

Sorry, that's just the way I am, says the Elegant Parrot. Great imagination. It's how I got the job in the first place...

Come ON, says Lauren.

She swings the smelly back pack over her shoulder, grabs Nietzsche's hand and marches off down the wharf to Bob's van in the car park, followed by the Elegant Parrot and her flying imagination.......

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