Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Pizza Repeated Throughout Eternity

Lauren and Nietzsche emerge from the bedroom.

Nietszche is doing up the top of his trousers.

Surfing-With-Whales tries to pretend not to notice.

And fails.

Oven on! says Lauren briskly. Two twenty degrees.

Can I do anything? asks Nietzsche.

Open this jar, says Lauren. It's my own chilli jam.

Nietzsche sits at the table and applies normal, then superhuman pressure to the lid which is sticking, because Lauren failed to wipe the rim of the jar when she was making the jam.

What other pizza toppings are we doing, mum? asks Surfing-With-Whales.

I thought we'd have Chicken, Sticky Onion and Cranberry Relish, says Lauren. And Eggs Florentine with Bacon, Spinach and Grape Tomatoes.

Eggs on a pizza! says Sweezus.

You'll love it, says Lauren, brushing past Nietzsche.

Nietzsche gives an extra hard twist to the chilli jam lid.

Squiiiirk! the lid suddenly loosens. Chilli jam nearly pours out onto his trousers, but he tips the jar up just in time.

It is all going well, until....

Excuse me, says the Elegant Parrot. There are certain things parrots can't eat.

That's right, says Ageless lobster.

What do you know about it? asks the Catcher.

What can't you eat? asks Lauren. Maybe we can make you a special one.

Onion, tomato, garlic, says the Elegant Parrot.

The oven is hot now. The first pizza goes in.

The kitchen fills with the delicious scent of fig, chilli and prosciutto, and hot pizza dough.


An hour later, everyone is replete.

Sweezus leans back in the kitchen chair.

Egg on pizza is freakin' awesome. You rock, Lauren!

Surfing-With-Wales has almost forgiven his mother.

Nietzsche wishes that pizza might be repeated throughout all eternity

( Be careful what you wish for ).

Ageless is considering how he might send Kobo the recipe....

....and how she would receive it.

The Catcher is watching the Elegant Parrot, his prize.

The Elegant Parrot has innocently eaten several fig halves, and imagines them now, flying around in her tummy. Buzz-buzz-ping!

Little seeds, like little pink motors. Ping-waark!

The Elegant Parrot is unaware, as no one has thought to tell her, that the chilli jam, with which the fig halves were drizzled, contains onions and garlic.

Maybe they thought she could tell.

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