Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Modern Contortionist

So much for last night. Now it is morning.

Julia has promised to show Gaius some of the sights of Barbados.

He is just getting ready.

Sponging marks off his chinos.

Picking mud off his Crocs.

Julia meets him at Reception.


Indeed, says Gaius, patting his notebook.

This is meant to be FUN, says Julia. Don't bring your notebook.

Gaius is alarmed. Where is she taking him? She seems like a serious young woman. Head of the Sea Turtle Project at the University. Even Margaret, in her silliest moments, would not have said don't bring your notebook.

He dismisses Margaret from his mind. And shoves the notebook into his back pack.

I'm taking you through the central uplands, says Julia, via Harrison's Cave and Hunte's Gardens to Bathsheba Beach on the other side of the island.

Just as they're getting into Julia's Mini, Gaius receives a phone call.

It's Griff.

How's things? asks Griff, hoping Gaius will ask the same question.

Just going out for the day, says Gaius. Perhaps you could keep an eye on Terence.

No, I couldn't, says Griff. I'm with Rachel Pringle Polgreen.

Never mind, says Gaius. Nose will do it. Who is Rachel Pringle Polgreen?

A Friend, says Griff. A LADY Friend. A very Lovely and Generous-Hearted Lady Friend. An Athletic Lady. I would go so far as to say.... a Veritable Contortionist.

(snorts of laughter, in the back ground)

Are you trying to unsettle me? asks Gaius. Because it isn't working. I have a pleasant day ahead of me, in the central uplands, with Julia. Yes, the Sea Turtle Project Manager.

Central uplands? says Griff. Sounds nice. Whereabouts in the central uplands?

Harrison's Cave, to start with, says Gaius, not thinking that Griff might then say what he does say.

Rachel and I are at a loose end this morning, says Griff. We might come with you. Could you wait till we get there?

NO! says Gaius. We are leaving at once. In fact I already have one foot in the Mini.

I'm sure Rachel can arrange us some transport, says Griff. We'll meet you up there.

Let's go, says Julia. Was that your colleague?

Yes, says Gaius. It was. I should not have let slip where we were going

It doesn't matter, says Julia. He's more than welcome to join us.

It seems, says Gaius, that he has hooked up with a dubious lady.

No such thing as a dubious lady, says Julia. This is the twenty first century.

Gaius is relieved to find Julia has a modernist attitude.

Perhaps the Contortionist will turn out to be modern as well......

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