Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Complicated Trajectories

Three groups are slowly converging, under Saturn.

Gaius, Griff, Terence and the spirit of Iris Bannochie are on their way back to the hotel.

Tiny Sacrifice and Third Sister are getting nearer.

Ageless, Kobo and Nose are outside, on the beach.

A fourth party, young Richard Ligon, has lost track of the second party, and is doubling back to Gun Hill.

Gaius veers off on a whim. He will drop by the university to pick up the stuffed Barbados racer he left in Julia's mini.

Iris Bannochie, who sees in Gaius a reincarnation of her late second husband, goes with him.

Who shall we follow?

Young Richard Ligon. His trajectory is the least complicated.

He arrives at Gun Hill, determined to winkle more information from Not-Henry-Wilkinson.

Good to see you, says Not-Henry-Wilkinson. Did you catch the snake siblings?

Not yet, says young Richard Ligon.

Thought not, says Not-Henry-Wilkinson. Snakes travel fast. By the way, you might like to remove my tin of red paint from ......between my back paws.

Why? asks young Richard Ligon. It's out of the way there.

It's out of MY way, says Not-Henry-Wilkinson. But it's in the way of certain others. Just move it, will you.

Young Richard Ligon moves the red paint tin to a patch of dead grass.

A long collective moan emerges from the snake hole, followed by the head of Masteego.

Trying to kill us, hisses Masteego.

Tangerine calls from below. Is it safe to come out now?

No, says Masteego. There's a human.

I'm not a human, I'm a scientist, says young Richard Ligon. You're safe with me.

He says he's a scientist, darling, calls Masteego.

Oh, and that's all right is it? snaps Tangerine. First they discover us, then they carelessly reveal our location and open us up to poachers.

What do you want me to do, dear? asks Masteego. It's too late now.

Make him go. Tell him we're just here on holiday, says Tangerine.

I'm looking for Tiny Sacrifice, says young Richard Ligon. I hear he escaped with a sibling.

What did he say? asks Tangerine.

Tiny escaped with a sibling, says Masteego. Had you noticed?

No I hadn't, says Tangerine. Let me count my babies. One, two, three, four, five, six. Which one of you is missing?

Third Sister, says Second Brother.

Let this be a lesson to you, says Tangerine. What is the lesson?

Don't run off, says Second Brother.

That isn't the lesson, says Tangerine. Do I look unhappy?

No, says Second Brother.

It dawns on Second Brother that independence of spirit is valued.

That is the lesson.

How about, says Second Brother, I go with the scientist, in exchange for his silence.

I'll go too, says First Sister.

Masteego makes the offer.

Young Richard Ligon can hardly believe his good luck.

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