Friday, May 12, 2017

Harry Was Always So Keen

Rachel stomps down the path in her slippers, kicking every specimen of heliconia Iris Bannochie.

That will show Iris Bannochie.

Please don't kick us, whisper the ordinary heliconia Iris Bannochies.

Why not? says Rachel You were rude about my slippers.

Not us, say the heliconia Iris Bannochies. We like your slippers. We think you're brave to walk in this garden in slippers.

Don't I know it, says Rachel. And okay. I won't kick you again.

Griff, overhearing, thinks Rachel's feet must be hurting.

Shall we all go back to the café? says Griff.

Gaius is willing. What use are plants when you don't have a notebook? And he feels peckish.

Not yet, says Rachel grimly. I'm going right down to the bottom to look at the sea.

I'll come with you, says Julia. You guys go up if you like. Order us a fruit juice.

And coconut biscuits, says Rachel.

Iris didn't mention coconut biscuits, says Gaius.

This is Barbados, says Rachel There are bound to be coconut biscuits. And I'll have a cherry juice.

Griff and Gaius walk back up the path, skirting the heliconia Iris Bannochie.

But the spirit of Iris Bannochie sees them, and follows, at ear level.

Gaius reminds her of her late first husband, Doctor Harry Bayley.

Darling.... murmurs Iris, remembering dear Harry who was always so keen on astronomy.

Gaius senses a buzzing in his ear. He brandishes the stuffed Barbados racer.

Watch what you're doing! says Griff.

Apologies, says Gaius. I feel edgy, without a notebook.

Me too, says Griff. Days off are overrated.

Perhaps, though, says Gaius, we feel this ennui because circumstances have resulted in us visiting two famous Barbadian gardens, when one would suffice. However, we still have the Atlantic ocean to look forward to.

We do, agrees Griff. And in the company of two excellent ladies. Rachel's a fine woman, don't you think?

We did get on well, in Hunte's Gardens, admits Gaius. We had an edifying chat about slavery.

Each to his own entertainment, thinks Griff.

The buzzing in Gaius's ear increases.

He flails about with the Barbados racer. Whack! Whack!

Ouch! says the spirit of Iris Bannochie (more for the effect than anything).

You! says Gaius. Are you following us for a reason?

You remind me of someone I love, says Iris Bannochie.

Gaius is embarrassed.

Griff helps him out by asking her if there will be coconut biscuits in the café.

I believe so, says Iris. Also a lovely nutty banana bread. Some days they sell guava slices. Are you having fruit juice or coffee?

Juice, says Gaius. Any recommendations?

You simply must try the wonderful cherry juice, says Iris Bannochie.

We intend to, says Griff. Rachel has already put in her order.

Don't mention I recommended it, says Iris. Rachel doesn't seem to like me. I spotted her kicking my plants.

Our lips shall be sealed, says Gaius, except for the purpose of imbibing your excellent cherry juice.

O, ha ha! laughs Iris. You have the same sense of humour as dear Harry.

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