Tuesday, December 4, 2018

How I Suffered The Slash

What is your visionary poem to be called? asks Gloria.

Weird Things That Have Happened To Me Lately, says Kambel.

May I suggest a different title? asks Gloria.

Why? asks Kambel.

It's as bad as What I Did On My Holidays, says Gloria.

What did you do on your holidays? asks Kambel.

I don't mean that, says Gloria. I mean, that too is a bad title.

May I suggest a different one? says Kambel.

No, Kambel, says Gloria. Work on your own.

I'll forget the title, says Kambel, and concentrate on the poem.

Good plan, says Gloria. Meanwhile I'll look in on Ageless.

She ducks under the water, and hovers before Ageless.

How goes Kambel's poem? asks Ageless.

Weird Things That Have Happened To Me Lately, says Gloria. That's as far as he's got.

Ha ha, laughs Ageless. That's as bad as How I Moulted Early To Elicit Sympathy From My Beloved.

My goodness! says Gloria. Can you actually do that?

I'm doing it, says Ageless. How am I faring?

You look moist, says Gloria. Pink and moist. No wait, certain parts are hardening up at the edges.

Good to know, says Ageless. Leave me now, to my stiffening.

Gloria shoots upwards.

Kambel's poem is taking shape, at least, he thinks so.

He will try it out on Gloria, who is arty.

I see a vision
what is it
a man in green shoes
I see a vision
what is it
an infant
with a frog pen
I see a vision
what is it
a Swiss army knife
how I suffered
the slash of the Swiss army knife
so painful it was
I earned a title,
not this title,
weird things that happened to me lately
not this title
what I did on my holidays
this title
Knight of the Golden Tortoise
That's my title.
To criticism I remain indifferent.

He looks at Gloria.

I could get you that frog pen, says Gloria.

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