Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Beeline

The floating toast crumbs have attracted more prawns.

Pity I reached my limit, says Roderick Coconut.

You should take that pot out of the water, little buddy, says Sweezus.

It's Blue Claw's house, says Terence.

Yeah... says Sweezus, but it's going all slimy.

ALL RIGHT! says Terence.

He stamps into the shallows, scattering the prawns.

He picks up the pot, with Blue Claw inside.

Hey! says Blue Claw. I was saying goodbye to my fans, from my dream home.

Well, says Terence. What am I supposed to do about it?

Ask your parrot, says Blue Claw.

Wark! squawks Celia. What do you want to ask me?

What this baby should do, says Blue Claw. My dream home's going slimy. But I need it to say goodbye to my fans.

You've got fans? says Celia. Where are they?

Scattered, says Blue Claw. Afraid of the feet of the baby.

I'm not a baby, says Terence.

No, he isn't, says Celia. He just looks like a baby. Mentally I'd say he was .... eight.

She means eight million, says Terence.

See what I mean, says Celia. Now, I suggest you ask Sweezus to lift you out of the water, and hold you at knee height. Then your fans will return. They will not fear the soft feet of Sweezus. From knee height you can say your goodbyes.

It's a good idea, if Sweezus is willing. But Sweezus is eating his donut.

Everyone must wait.

Now he comes. Splash splash.

Lifts up the dream home.

Red clay drips down his elbows.

( He is bending, his arms angled up).

Blue Claw addresses his fans, who have returned one by one, bravely.

Farewell Small Males and Orange Claws (says he).

Farewell Blue Claw (say they).

I'll do you proud. Wish me luck (says he).

Any more of those toast crumbs? (asks someone).

I don't think so (says he).

Several donut crumbs fall from the crumpled board shorts of Sweezus, into the water.

A lucky sign.

The fans make a beeline.

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