Sunday, January 31, 2021

Come Closer Yes Mmm

Who's your friend? asks Kobo.

This is Captain Baudin, beloved, says Ageless.

Call me Nicholas, says Captain Baudin.

And you may call me Kobo, says Kobo. 

That's her name, says Ageless. Is she not most delightful? 

I don't think he's seen me, says Kobo. Hey, I'm over here.

Captain Baudin looks at Kobo who appears to be a fossilised clam.

Where is her voice coming from?

It sounds creamy.

You could do with a bath, beloved, says Ageless.

Ageless! says Kobo.

It's probably kitchen grease, says Ageless.

She ignores him.

And what brings you here, Nicholas?

May I first say, madam, what a pleasure it is to meet such a beautiful clam, says Captain Baudin. As to what brings me here, I hear you have literary leanings, and I wondered if you might agree to assist me.

To do what? asks Kobo. I'm very busy.

Set me on the right path, says Captain Baudin. I'm playing the Narrator in Candide. 

There is no Narrator, says Kobo.

There is now, says Ageless. And he has to write his own lines.

Are YOU in it, Ageless? asks Kobo.

I'm playing the Old Woman, says Ageless. It wasn't my preference.

Because of the buttock, says Kobo. 

Yes, says Ageless. Because of the buttock.

You're performing scenes of the Storm and Earthquake and aftermath, says Kobo.

Isn't she intuitive! says Ageless.

I could hardly fail to hear Terence singing, says Kobo. The point is, Ageless, your part is quite small.

Ageless doesn't like where this is going.

Why don't you go into the garden and pick some grapes, says Kobo. I'll talk to Nicholas, whose part is much bigger.

Not necessarily, says Nicholas.

Don't be modest, says Kobo. Come closer. Yes... mmm.

Ageless is furious. Kobo is flirting.

But he must be careful not to provoke her. He slides down the taps and exits the sink via the chair.

He goes into the garden.

Terence is dancing outside, and singing his song, which is now even longer,

Storms are mean, earthquakes are meaner, they wear colourful socks! The people are drowned and dropped on by dangerous rocks...HAH!

Earthquakes don't generally wear colourful socks, says Ageless.

It's a PLAY, stupid! says Terence..

Dropped on by dangerous rocks needs improvement, says Ageless.

No one asked you! says Terence.

Ageless pokes about in the grape vine, looking for grapes.

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