Saturday, January 2, 2021

Puff Up

That's the bird-on-a-bike Tamagotchi, says Reedy. Good job.

It's dying! says Terence.

So they weren't stones. says Reedy. Give it here.

Coffee anyone, asks Carol?

She boils some water, while Reedy attempts to disable the droppings function.

Louisa looks at Arthur.

So you might stay on KI?

Just for the summer, says Arthur.

I've gotta go back, says Sweezus. The boss'll expect me.

Try this, says Reedy.

Terence's bird-on-a-bike Tamagotchi has revived.

It's too soon to tell if there will be droppings.

Good on you, Reedy, says Sweezus. 

No worries, says Reedy. I studied TT.

No one asks him what TT is.

If they had he would have answered: Toy Technology.

Which would have been funny.

The kettle is boiling, for the coffee. 

RIP boiling water, says Reedy. You will be mist.

He is determined to get a laugh somehow.

Ha ha! laughs Gaius. Very good. You will be mist. 

Fuck! says Sweezus.

What's up? asks Arthur.

The BOSS! says Sweezus. I left him in quarantine.

He'll be out now, says Arthur.

Yeah but he only swapped places with me on one condition, says Sweezus.

The two minor philosophers, says Arthur. 

Yeah, says Sweezus. I had to write an article about the rescue from the lighthouse. And he agreed because I told him two minor philosophers were involved.

Did you say who they were? asks Carol.

No, says Sweezus. Mainly because I was bullshitting.

There should be plenty of philosophers on KI, says Carol.

Perhaps Kierkegaard is still here, says Gaius. Shall we try him?

He's not minor, says Sweezus. But he might be useful.

Invite him over, says Carol. We've still got popcorn and trifle.

Terence's Tamagotchi bird-on-a-bike skids to a halt on his droppings.

Beep! Popcorn!

The droppings pop loudly.

And puff up.

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