Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hot Laksa Soup

I liked The VeloDrone, said Pliny this morning. And now I know why we cohabit with a bicycle.

Oh, had you been wondering? I asked.

On and off, said Pliny. And how are you this morning? Last night you looked a little worse for wear.

I'm alright. We went to meet my sister at the airport, and then went to a noisy restaurant to eat. I was speaking more loudly than normal and eating a hot laksa soup. Whereas now I know I should have kept my mouth shut and had the non-spicy wok-tossed noodles.

How would you have eaten them with your mouth shut?

It's perfectly possible to eat noodles with your mouth shut. But you know what I mean. Anyway I was fine till I got home and then my flu caught up with me and I got the shakes. It was horrible. I thought I was getting pneumonia.

Oh dear. And your other sister is arriving today from Coffin Bay, isn't she?

Yes, but I'm okay again now. And she's promised to bring us some oysters.

Delightful! Are you eating at home tonight?

Yes. And tomorrow we're all going to the Greek on Halifax for my birthday dinner.

Yes, your famous birthday. How old are you going to be?

I don't know. First I need to sit down and review my life. But I don't know when I'll find the time to do it.

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