Monday, August 31, 2009

Prat Maths

I'm standing in the Commonwealth Bank in Norwood waiting for my turn. I'm listening to the man in front of me talking to the teller.

Busy? he asks her.

Yes, she says.

Good to see that some people are, he says.

She doesn't reply, but gets on with stamping his cheques.

I used to work once, he continues, but I didn't like it.

You prat, I think, looking closely at his back. He is about 55, florid, with thin stubbly hair on the top of his head, wearing very clean casual clothes.

The teller doesn't take the bait.

Do you know what a Public Servant is? he perseveres.

Yes, she says, I th...i...nk so. She is very young.

It means the public are your servant, he says.

She doesn't get it. She continues stamping and moving bits of paper.

I was having dinner with a teacher last night, he goes on. And she couldn't even multiply 12 by 20. She told me she was an ART teacher.

A pregnant pause.

I just feel sorry for the kids, he ends lamely.

Then it's time for him to go.

Bye, says the teller. Next, please.

I just feel sorry for all of us.

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