Thursday, August 12, 2010

Audrey Hepburn

Are you still here?

Yes I've been waiting.

Where is everyone?

They wouldn't come.

That's understandable. They were here last week when we waited an hour for our lunch. It happened like this. We asked the head waiter to sit us somewhere quiet, because of mum's hearing. He said he would give us a private alcove, so we came and sat here, Unfortunately it was so private they forgot all about us. It was half an hour before they even brought us some water.

So you practised the art of waiting?

No, the waiting staff practiced the art of waiting.

What do you mean? Oh I see. Waiting.

Yes. They're doing it again now.

So they are. This alcove has bad karma. Who would have thought it? It looks quite nice with the photo of Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly on the wall.

Yes, and the black tablecloth.

The black tablecloth is a bit weird, don't you think?

No.....well, yes it is now you mention it. Do you suppose it has some kind of disappearing effect on the people sitting round it? That would explain a lot.

Interesting theory, but we can see each other.

Perhaps you have to be walking past. Why don't we get up and see?

Both of us? That would be silly.

Yes but it beats waiting here.

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