Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fairy Cakes of Chagrin

My grandma's specialty was Fairy Cakes, a favourite of people who don't like baking. She used a wooden spoon.

First she made a Victoria Sponge cake mixture in a bowl. Then she added sultanas. It strikes me that I may have got my love of sultanas from her. I never thought of that before. Excuse me while I think about that for a bit. Hmmmm....yes...quite possible. Then she dropped wooden spoonfuls of the mixture into paper patty pans, and baked them in the oven for twenty minutes.

Once she was making a batch of these when I was at her house. I was about fourteen. A family debate was going on. I wasn't being allowed to do something by my mum and dad. They were there as well. I wonder what it was? Go out at night to something with my friends perhaps. I cried. It was embarrassing.

There was a song on the radio. Big Girls Don't Cry. Remember that one? My grandma and grandpa for once in their lives picked up on the words. Big girls don't cry, they told me, in unison.

I was beside myself with fury. Didn't they understand the song? Didn't they know that the song
climaxed with the words Big Girls Do Cry? I explained this crucial fact through my sobs, but they didn't get it.

Anyway, that was Fairy Cakes.

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