Saturday, November 13, 2010

Glory Days of Beta Sigma Phi

The prize giving was all over in seconds. Three glum adjudicators and a Beta Sigma Phi called Judy. No opportunity for Judy to make a speech, just hand over the cheques in a hurry. A far cry from the glory days of Beta Sigma Phi.

I remember them.

I have an old paper notebook made from discarded notepaper. Not by me, it was a gift from someone. I use it for drawing sketches with a blue or black pen. Some of the sketches are bad, for example my three attempts to draw a puma. But in November 2004 I drew the two Beta Sigma Phis who presented the prizes at the Lunch Hour Competition.

Didn't I say these were the glory days? Yes, there were two of them. They were of a certain age. Each one carried a capacious handbag. One was tall and thin, with short straight hair, and wore a calf length skirt, a shapeless jacket and sensible shoes. Her job was to produce the cheques from her capacious handbag and hand them to the other one as required. The other Beta Sigma Phi was dumpy, with short wavy hair that formed peaks. She wore a wide pleated skirt and a shapeless jacket, and carried her capacious handbag in her left hand. She clutched a large white folder in her right. She also wore, according to my sketch, an enormous pair of shimmering golden shoes. As the dominant Beta Sigma Phi, she made the speech, before presenting the cheques while the other one stood back respectfully. All was right with the world in 2004.

I also made a sketch of the winner, who I don't remember at all. She must have been a singer, who had got herself up in costume. She is wearing a long baggy skirt, a long-sleeved high-necked blouse and big flat shoes. Her hair is done up in an elaborate bun. Above her head I've drawn several musical notes, and the three words: Ha Ha Ha.

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