Saturday, March 16, 2013

Immortal In The Pillow Fort

It's Saturday night. David and Vello are on the bus travelling very slowly past The Garden of Unearthly Delights.

A traffic jam! says Vello. Where's your lucky trinket when we need him?

Don't worry, says David, we can still make it.

David is right. They arrive at Format, Peel Street, on the dot of eight, and go inside. Several people are sitting around on couches. One stands up.

Hello, says Bart Fairbairn to Vello. Welcome to my show. I know your daughter.

Belle et Bonne, says Vello. Yes I know. That's why we've come.

A faraway look comes into Vello's eye. He thinks about his daughter. When is she coming home?

Get yourselves a drink and then we'll all go in, says Bart.

They buy two Solo Lemons from the grungy bar, and follow Bart through a doorway and down some stairs, along with four more people. A twenty-something couple and two youngish men. Brushing past a sheet and ducking under curtains, they arrive inside the Pillow Fort that Bart has built. His show is called The Age Of Wonder.

David and Vello sit on tyres stuffed with pillows which are not that comfy. Multicoloured sheets hang from a central point above them, and on the floor are scattered cushions, foam mattresses and a sleeping bag. Bart flicks on a reading light, sits down on a cushion, and starts talking to the six people in his fort.

He talks about childhood and forts, hamburgers, dreams, potential energy, internet dating, cheese, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones.

Vello and David are pleased that they have heard of all these things, especially Game of Thrones. Everyone chats almost naturally. One of the young men has had a dream of cheese. The other made a fort of yellow pages. Vello has read a Harry Potter, in French. David contributes some clever and relevant puns. Only the young couple are reserved, but they have laughed at everything, and once she nearly choked.

Thanks for coming, says Bart to David and Vello, when it is over. I would like to get a photo of the three of us, to show your daughter.

Click. Flash. Done. The moment is immortal.

1 comment:

Allan Webber said...

I almost feel as though I was there