Saturday, March 23, 2013

In A Young Girl's Bedroom

They enter Arthur's bedroom, which once was Bunny's. There are posters of Justin Bieber on the wall, a Twilight duvet cover, and a heart shaped bedside light.

Do I have to hold this? says Sweezus, waving the crucifix.

Yes, says Pastor Moon. Now Arthur, where were we?

Number thirteen? says Arthur.

Thirteen! says Sweezus. How many of them are there?

Fifteen, says Pastor Moon. Be silent please.

Sweezus sits down on the Twilight duvet.

Arthur stands in the middle of the room. He scratches at his head. He rubs his knee..

Pastor Moon consults his list of exorcism instructions.

Errm...... wait, says Pastor Moon. We might skip that one. We'll go straight to number fourteen.

No, says Arthur. I want number thirteen. What is it?

Never mind, says Pastor Moon. It's inappropriate in the circumstances.

He screws up the instructions and throws them in the wastepaper bin.

Sweezus leans forward, takes them out and smoothes the paper.

Number thirteen, reads Sweezus, Encourage the victim to give his life to Jesus. Wicked!

Let me see, says Arthur. Yes that's what it says. What's wrong with that?

You are not going anywhere with him until we're finished, says Pastor Moon. Now... what's number fourteen?..... give me back that list.

He grabs the list from Sweezus.

Aha! says Pastor Moon, frowning at the list. There are many entry points that give demons the legal right to enter. False pride, sex outside marriage, materialism, violent martial arts......

Violent martial arts! says Sweezus. That can't be right. I practice tae-kwon-do.

His tummy growls demonically. Embarrassing.

I KNEW IT! thunders Pastor Moon. You are possessed as well. We must start again at  number one with you. STAND UP!

Sweezus is not happy. Things are getting mental. He only came up here to witness Arthur's revolving head because he thought it would be funny.

He flings the crucifix into the waste bin, and heads towards the door.

Oh no you don't! says Pastor Moon. I COMMAND YOU IN THE NAME no, not YOU! Be SILENT and .....DAMNATION!

He falls to the fluffy carpet, foaming at the mouth.

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