Friday, June 21, 2013

I Usually Dress Like A Bishop

Ha ha, says Baby Pierre. A black nose!

You laugh, Baby Pierre, says Gaius. But you did not enter the Portal.

I can't help it, grins Baby Pierre. Lavender's funny.

I'm not funny, says Lavender. Pluto had a black nose.

And was he yellow? asks Baby Pierre.

Now Bunny is laughing as well, and her colour returns. Well, that's something.

Now Professor D'Andria twigs it.

Ah ha ha ha, laughs Professor D'Andria. Pluto! Ha ha. Very good.

Katherine thinks hard. A black nose, yellow, named Pluto. Of course. Ha ha ha.

Gaius is baffled. He beckons Baby Pierre.

They withdraw to a spot further along the rim of the pool. Splish, splash, splish!

I should be grateful if you would explain the joke to me, says Gaius.

No, says Baby Pierre. If you don't watch cartoons, you won't think it's funny.

No one seems to be taking this seriously, says Gaius, annoyed. It's a massive discovery.

Suddenly, Woosh! a large figure emerges from under the milky white water, wearing red swimming trunks.

Gaius! cries the figure. You, here!

Gaius peers at the figure, who looks somewhat familiar, but not quite.

It's the clothes, cries Nikolaos. I usually dress like a bishop. But I'm swimming.

Nikolaos! cries Gaius. Of course! Well met, old friend!  What are you doing here? Taking the waters?

Protecting the young ones, says Nikolaos. It happens to be rather pleasant as well.

Pleasant? says Gaius, looking around at the beautiful cascades of white pools. Yes, I suppose so.

So what brings you here? asks Nikolaos.

The Gate to Hell, explains Gaius. We've just made a mighty discovery.

So your work is done, says Nikolaos. You'll be pleased. You don't have much time left you know.

Arthur comes over.

So what was so funny? says Arthur.

Pluto's a dog, says Baby Pierre. That's what was so funny.

Was that your mighty discovery? asks Nikolaos.

Great Jupiter! Was it? Gaius is aghast.

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